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Take a break at the Magic Kingdom

Spending full days in the parks, especially during the Summer months, can take a huge toll on you're body and leave you feeling tired. The heat and humidity in Florida in the Summer months is crazy, with temperatures regularly reaching above 100 degrees... Don't ruin your trip, and be sure to take periodic breaks throughout the day, wherever you are visiting.

Below are our top 5 spots to take a rest break in the Magic Kingdom:

5) Pathway between Tomorrowland and Fantasyland: This small pathway links the two lands, and may just be one of the quietest places in the Magic Kingdom. The path is situated near to the Tomorrowland Speedway and Space Mountain, and exits near to the Fantasyland Storybook Circus train station. This area is not shaded, and is a smoking area, so these factors are both something to consider, but the area still provides a break from the hustle-and-bustle of the Magic Kingdom!

4) Hall of Presidents: This animatronic show is something that shouldn't be missed anyway, but is a great place to sit down and take a break in the air conditioning. This show is a telling of America's history through a series of projections, video clips and a stage of audio animatronics! The show lasts 23 minutes, has comfortable seating and is air conditioned, so many use this time to take a power nap before heading back out into the Florida heat!

3) Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover: Again, another ride which shouldn't be missed anyway, but provides a place away from the park madness for a break, or a snooze if you need it! The TTA PeopleMover is a slow moving ride around the top of Tomorrowland, giving you an insight into the attractions that the land has to offer. Cast Members are usually accommodating to those taking a quick nap whilst on-board, and will let you ride round more than once. This ride is not necessarily completely suitable for sleeping adults, but is a great place for young children to take a nap! Be sure to ride this attraction anyway, as it is a true classic!

2) Second floor of Columbia Harbor House: This area is usually close to empty, so is a great place to take a seat and rest for a bit. The small room on the second floor of Columbia Harbor House restaurant overlooks the path that links Fantasyland and Liberty Square, so is also a wonderful place to people watch! You are more than welcome to bring food along and have a snack whilst you take a much-needed break from the sunshine!

1) Carousel of Progress: This attraction is a Disney classic, and some consider it to be one of the rides which started Disney parks as we know them. Carousel of Progress was used in the 1968 New York World's Fair, and was invented by Walt Disney himself. The attraction is getting rather out dated, but is still a don't-miss for a sit down! The air conditioning, combined with seats and the 20 minute show time, allow for you to take a reasonable rest break! This ride is also one of the darkest in the Magic Kingdom, perfect conditions to take a snooze...

Returning to your accommodation is of course another option, but can be a pain if you are not staying at a Magic Kingdom Resort. You need to factor in travel time before deciding whether it is really worth the trip back.

This blog post is the first in a series, I will be sharing our top 5 rest locations for the other theme parks in the future, so be sure to look out for those on our site! If you have any other suggestions for places to take a break in the Magic Kingdom, let us know below or on social media using the hashtag: #DMTakeABreak


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