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D-Ticket Boat Ride confirmed for Avatar expansion!

Brady Macdonald from LA Times is confirming that the speculated D-Ticket boat cruise attraction will open with Avatarland in 2017... Although Disney has not officially announced details about this attraction, it seems like it is likely. The boat ride was on the original concept art for the Avatar expansion, but it has been rumored that the attraction may not actually be built...

The river cruise attraction will be an indoor boat ride through the bioluminescent landscape of Pandora, with illuminated glowing trees and audio-animatronics.

The LA Times article continues on to quote Joe Rhode, Walt Disney Imagineer, who confirmed the areas E-Ticket banshee attraction would be "considerably more thrilling" than Soarin' at Epcot. James Cameron, director of Avatar, has said that park guests will have the opportunity to "live, eat, breathe and smell Pandora"!

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